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Ludington Coupons & Deals
Nowadays, everyone is looking for a bargain, and we are offering many great deals right on this special Ludington coupons page. These money saving coupons are always available and you don’t even need to print them! Just mention the coupon or show the establishment the coupon on your phone when you visit them. Whether you’re looking for restaurant bargains, shopping for the best deals from local retailers, or searching for a discounted vacation at a Ludington lodging facility – check here first for coupons and offers!
Special Offers - Vacation Packages - Dining Deals - and So Much More!
Food & Beverage Offers
Ludington Liquor
5946 W. US-10
(231) 425-4355
10% off wine when you buy six or more bottles.
No expiration date.
Lodging Offers
Candlelite Inn Bed & Breakfast
709 E. Ludington Ave.
(231) 845-8074
10% Regular Room & Suite Rates for Veterans and those age 55 and up. Please note when calling or submitting a reservation request online that you are a veteran.
No expiration date.
Service Offers
Elite Transport LLC
(231) 233-5927
One-way rides to Muskegon for $150 AND to Grand Rapids for $200.
Offer expires on 4/1/25.
Shopping Offers
Victoria's Jewelry
327 S. James St.
(231) 845-5257
Free jewelry cleaning and inspection everyday.
No expiration date.
Check back often for new and updated coupons from Ludington area businesses!
Please support small businesses!
More Categories in the Ludington Business Directory
Ludington’s lodging facilities provide all the amenities to make your stay enjoyable and keep you coming back.
Home & Garden
Ludington home & garden businesses can help beautify your indoor and outdoor spaces. Consult with one to create your dream home today!
Groceries, Sweets, & Specialty Foods
Find all the groceries you need for the perfect picnic or party in Ludington. You’ll find fresh deli items, meats, ice cream, and more.
Bed & Breakfasts
You’ll find personal, friendly, and cozy accommodations at a Ludington Bed & Breakfast, many of which are located within Victorian homes.
Resorts, Vacation Rentals, and Cottages
The wide variety of resorts, vacation rentals, and cottages in Ludington are furnished and have full kitchens. Find your place to stay here.
Convenience & Party Stores
Stop into a Ludington party or convenience to store to get your beverages, ice, snacks, lotto tickets, gas, and more.