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Ludington Home & Garden Business Directory

Our homes should serve as our sanctuarys and safe spaces. At home we relax, spend time with family and friends, and refresh ourselves. Because our homes are so much a reflection of ourselves, many people spend a lot of time working to express themselves through their home design and decor. Landscaping and gardens can also lend themselves to your home’s distinctive personality.

Ludington is a visual paradise and an amazing place to call home. With Lake Michigan, two lighthouses, the Ludington State Park, and more; Ludington boasts four seasons of fun! If you’re looking for a dependable contractor or simply for some resources to do some home repairs yourself, check out these local businesses for all your home and garden needs.

Home & Garden Businesses Nearby

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More Categories in the Ludington Business Directory

Hotels & Motels

Ludington area hotels and motels are some of the top lodging choices. Find your best accommodations with these places to stay.

Health & Beauty

There’s no need to take a vacation from your health, beauty routine, or fitness while you’re enjoying yourself here in the Ludington area.

jet ski on Hamlin lake

Things to Do

There are a huge variety of things to do that will keep you entertained while you’re in the Ludington area!

Home & Garden

Ludington home & garden businesses can help beautify your indoor and outdoor spaces. Consult with one to create your dream home today!